Bringing the jungle to life

We are teaming up with local graffiti writers & street artists to celebrate Oregon’s unique street art culture.



Voxx Romana x Concrete Jungle Extracts

Artist, activist and counter culture adhesive addict, Voxx Romana, has been spreading his Einstein Icon and the moniker Voxx Romana through street art since 2007. Based out of Portland OR, he has become internationally recognized through his use of powerful images and the large quantity of subversive street art he has put up across North America and Europe. The art of Voxx Romana can be described as punk, glam, elegant pop art, with an experimental and devilishly precise vintage anti-hero feel.


HiddenStash x Concrete Jungle Extracts

HiddenStash rests and roams in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest and constantly creates as a vital part of her being. There are several facets that make up the person behind the art: Matriarch. Freelance illustrator. Citizen naturalist. Street art enthusiast. Maker of all sorts of things & worshiper of dirt.

Notes x Concrete Jungle Extracts



NOTES is a Portland based painter, muralist, and street artist that loves engaging with the community. He often finds his inspiration in the walls of the buildings he uses as a canvas, visualizing images on the surface that are only revealed through his painting. Notes integrates color theory and sacred geometry practices into his work to not only brighten up the community, but to inspire the community to persevere, and build a better tomorrow.


Kango x Concrete Jungle Extracts


Salem based artist, Kango Kid, picked up a rattle can around ‘92, just a few years after finding a love for B-Boying and the underground scene. going hard with graffiti, murals, and art, kango does it all for the love, and to give the PNW community something to look at other than blank walls.

Featured Artist - Mcmonster



Ambiguously levitating someplace in between horror and fantasy, McMonster, or Joshua McQuary, creates each piece with only black acrylic and water for the tones of grey and deep dark blacks. Bending light and conjuring focus with bright opaque white acrylic ink and pencils, McMonster creates worlds that are both dreary and whimsical.

The Earwig

Concrete Jungle Artist - The Earwig


The Earwig is a portland based artist with 29 years of experience in creating murals and illustrations. He pulls inspiration from graffiti writers, science fiction, and creature design.

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